W 20 cm x H 26 cm x D 26 cm/2021 Paper fibre, leather
W 20 cm x H 26 cm x D 26 cm/2021 Paper fibre, leather
W 20 cm x H 26 cm x D 26 cm/2021 Paper fibre, leather
(Inner page) Monoprint/20 cm x 26 cm/2021
(Inner page) Monoprint/20 cm x 26 cm/2021
(Inner page) Monoprint/20 cm x 26 cm/2021
W 35 cm x H 20 cm x D 25 cm/2021 Paper fibre, mulberry bark
W 35 cm x H 20 cm x D 25 cm/2021 Paper fibre, mulberry bark
L 50 cm x W 28 cm x T 1.5 cm/2022 Handmade mulberry bark paper, Manila hemp
漪念 The Ripple Effect of Consciousness
艾倫.瓦茨(Alan Watts)言及小我源於ㄧ體意識,類同波浪之於海洋,是宇宙的獨特表述。意識協無意識之網闊如無邊無際的能量海,人們任何起心動念,都似擲石而生的漣漪,波波連引擴散,影響力甚至拓展全世界。藉由頁面創造出的時空向度詮釋此動態感,並以版畫印色、纖維質理及螺旋流線造型作為隱喻和明義,映現能量與物質間持續流轉不息。此系列作品承載了創作當時實際經驗自然質材的身體感,及觀照內心的反思歷程。在媒材帶來的感官回饋中,能深刻感受到各種能量間的互動、影響、支持與消解,進而發掘內在情感力量運作和自然元素間的關聯性,重新連結天性的直覺洞察。
借網狀結構喻映世上實相並非各自獨立分離,寰宇萬物間內在聯繫的底層深繫著奧秘的生態心靈,而人類心智共享的心靈運作狀態一如榮格(C. G. Jung)所提「集體無意識」(collective unconscious),實根植於地球之心本身。若繼續擴展尺度,生態心理學視人類的集體心靈根植於地球心靈本身,而這個世界靈魂是個比個人或集體無意識更深更廣的心靈面向,西奧多.羅斯札克(Theodore Roszak)稱之為「生態無意識」(ecological unconscious)。在此領域裡,存有眾生、種種有機與無機現象的內在世界皆緊密連結、相互關聯的一體,共同構成了史蒂芬.埃森史塔特(Stephen Aizenstat)所稱的「世界無意識」(world unconscious)。
Being printed and dyed on diverse reticulated fibres, emotive energy flows through pages. This serial artwork represents the ripple effect of consciousness, which inconceivably leads to phenomenal waves among everything connected within the inclusive universe.
Based on Alan Watts' wise and witty words, 'You are a function of what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is a function of what the whole ocean is doing’. Individual consciousness appears out of the void, similar to a wave from the ocean. Every individualised self is a unique expression of the total universe. Each initial thought rises, produces effects broadening further impacts, and then returns to the whole realm of nature.
In other words, individual consciousness is like a floating bubble originating from the vast ocean of consciousness. The one united consciousness is inclusive; all living creatures, everything and the Universe are closely connected. Each thought has specific energy with frequency and vibration. It may make one small ripple on the ocean surface and fade away; however, some ripples may become waves.